Indonesia Container Town


Shipping flat pack container is one of the main products of CGCH. Shipping flat-pack container hotel is star level hotelwhich constructed by the traditional shipping flat-pack box as component, through flexibly combining the internalspace, designing space by modular way , adding doors and windows, improving sound insulation meanwhile, deco-rating the interior with star residential space standards , plus soft collocation, household appliances, furniture andhousehold accessories to create a star standards living space. The long and square type of shipping flat-pack contain-er can also be a hotel room for vacation after well-designed . The shipping flat-pack container hotel not only shortens theconstruction period and saves the cost, but also can be recycled and reused in the future, which is more in line withthe concept of green environmental protection.

Also we use steel structure for this project , 

In terms of structural performance:

1. Excellent seismic performance

2. Light structure

3.High construction accuracy

4. Carry out a variety of architectural creative modeling

In terms of economic benefits:

1. Save the basic cost

2.Short construction period and small space occupation

3. Low investment risk

4. Improve space utilization

container van house

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